SOLID Principles in React, explained

Using a series of X threads

Ikechi Michael
Mar 29, 2024

A while back, I set out to explain how S.O.L.I.D principles can be applied to React’s functional programming paradigm to build maintainable projects.

I wrote a series of X threads, walking backwards from Dependency Inversion all the way to Single Responsibility, because that was the best mental model I could come up with for explaining the concepts.

In this article, I’m sharing these threads on my Medium, hoping someone benefits from the insights I’ve cultivated over the past few years of developing with JavaScript and TypeScript.

5. Dependency Inversion

4. Interface Segregation

3. Liskov’s Substitution

2–1. Open/Closed Principle + Single Responsibility

Let me know what you think? Are these principles as universal as I think they are (applying them to React’s functional programming), or am I under a delusion, perhaps 😅?



Ikechi Michael
Ikechi Michael

Written by Ikechi Michael

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. I've also learned that people will pay for what I know. Maybe that's why they never pay.

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